Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Real Issues.

The Real Issues!

We, as Indians, face several important key issues today, ranging from affordable health care, to rising inflation, to growing unemployment, to the key issue of national security from foreign and domestic threats. Yet, amongst all this, the politicians of our day and age who often match the originality of their ideas with their age, continue to argue and debate over issues that really do not concern the progress or the development of the nation. It's high time the masses realize that the true issues in our country are the ones that need addressing.

Many First time candidates, independents and newly formed political parties are addressing these real and key issues. Topics such as the Nagara Raj Bill, preventing the criminalization of politics, the development of infrastructure projects, the betterment of public transport, implementation of Police Reforms, and Security measures to name a few. it's our duty to support these candidates, and ensure that the common man knows that not only is the act of Voting important, but it's equally important to vote for the right candidates!

I hope these elections see a large turnout of voters, especially first time voters, but also, I hope that people realize that there are no ready made solutions. While changes might not be visible in the first term, it's our duty to believe and give the newly elected independent representatives a chance to make a difference. Change in the governance shall take time, for which we shall need dedicated and persistent efforts, for atleast the next decade. They Key I believe, is not to lose momentum.

Let us stay focused on the key issues and vote for those candidates who address these important issues. Let us try to work towards the betterment of our future, by electing the right people into positions of power. Let us remember, not to be divided on the lines of religion, caste, sect, creed or regionalism. Let us remember that the REAL ISSUES are not those that Communal elements like to talk about, it's not about the old wounds that are dug up consistently, but about the real issues that affect us, in our day to day lives, issues that are key and vital to the development of the nation.

Remember, it's important to vote BUT You gotta vote for the right candidate!

so Choose wisely when you caste your vote - It's the Real Issues that matter!

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