Friday, March 27, 2009

The Mockery Of Democracy.

The Mockery Of Democracy.

Today, as India stands a symbol of the success of the concept of democracy, and continues to inspire countries throughout the world for it's success in finding Unity through it's diversity, I believe it's time we took a good long hard look at this so called "Democratic and Secular" Republic, and try to understand how, we as Indians, are truly mocking the very concept of Democracy.

There are several key issues that I can think of, however, I shall start off by listing 4 key points.

1) I think the main thing that every political party can be blamed of doing, is not sticking to a political agenda. Needs, Motives, Alliances, even goals, manifestos and plans are changed, per the needs of the election and the hour.

2) The lack of accountability is another key issue. If corporate India is compelled to issue a public report of it's finances, why can't the political parties do something similar in the leading newspapers of the country? or have a progress report published once in 3 months or so, showcasing the achievements and shortcomings of the elected representatives.

3) The Election commission should have greater powers bestowed to them, so that they are empowered to take legal action against the candidates who are violating the moral code of conduct, and not merely "suggest" the same to the government.

4) I think that the main issue today in front of us is distractions. Let's be honest, how many of today's youth really care... let's say, about the Ayodhya issue? I mean in my personal opinion, I'd rather that they just build a school for poor children, or a hospital for the underprivileged. Don't both Hinduism and Islam preach humanity and peace? Would any religious leader argue that? I believe it's time our political leaders start undertaking initiatives to help fellow Indians, and stop looking at the masses as merely Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc, only then can we truly achieve national integration.

Never before has the need to focus on the real issues been greater! The constant struggle to stay in power and enjoy the support of the masses at the cost of the development of the country should be stopped. At times, unpopular
steps need to be taken, but for how long are we willing to subjugate ourselves to the whims and fancies of elected representatives who forget about our existence once elected? How many of us would really mind it if the railways showed lesser profits in the Parliament, as long as there were more trains for us, better safety provisions, better security? If profits are being generated, why are they not being used for the betterment of infrastructure, etc?
I've always maintained, and will continue doing so, that it's all about the issues. We need greater security - yes. But REAL security, not the illusion of security in the form of policemen who don't know how to use the guns they carry or the Legal system, which might work fairly on occasions, but almost always ensures that the guilty and the innocent know of the decision a few decades later.
We need an up hauling of the system, and more importantly, the courage within ourselves, to acknowledge our faults, & choose the right people. ...

As a founder - member of "Rise Up!" ( ( an organization that enjoys immense support from the masses, especially the youth, I believe change can be brought about. Not all of us can be the change, but isn't it our duty to support the few people who go out of their way to bring it in for us?

Stand Up! Shout out! Make a difference!

ps - Thank you Nigel Quraishy for the title. :)